Supporting injured Canadian Armed Forces members past and present, with quilts of comfort.
Offrant un soutien à nos membres blessés, passés et actuels, des Forces armées canadiennes, avec courtepointes de vaillance - société canadienne.

Quilts of Valour - Canada Society - Meet Our Guest Designers
Each of our renowned guest designers have donated their time and talent to create beautiful quilt patterns that meet the criteria for a Quilt of Valour. They have generously donated all profits in support of Quilts of Valour so when you purchase their pattern, you too will be supporting Quilts of Valour.

Daphne Greig
Quilter, Designer, Author and Teacher
Daphne lives in North Saanich, BC. In 2019, she designed her first fabric collection, Tapa Cloth, for Banyan Batiks. As well as sewing and quilting, Daphne teaches workshops and has authored quilt books. She also designs quilts, including designs to showcase new fabric collections for Northcott.
Daphne had two goals when designing Pathways:
+ Teamwork. She wanted a design where a group of quilters could each make a different part of the quilt, and together they could assemble the parts easily into one quilt-top.
+ Inclusivity. She wanted blocks of varying levels of difficulty. The square blocks are beginner sewer friendly, and the flying geese blocks are more finicky and offer more of a challenge.
Most of the fabric pieces in this quilt are small, so Daphne recommends using smaller scale fabric as opposed to fabric with larger prints.
Daphne chose muted colours as it was important to her that the quilt of Valour evoke calm. A bright colour scheme, however, is very attractive.
She was particularly drawn to the Inukshuk fabric from Northcott, since she lived in the Northwest Territories for several years. Note that this fabric is used in all of the square blocks.
In this quilt, the flying geese block symbolizes Canada. Daphne has, in the past, designed other Quilts of Valour with a maple leaf block. This time, however, she decided to use the flying geese block, thereby making this design more versatile.