Supporting injured Canadian Armed Forces members past and present, with quilts of comfort.
Offrant un soutien à nos membres blessés, passés et actuels, des Forces armées canadiennes, avec courtepointes de vaillance - société canadienne.

Quilts of Valour - Canada Society - Meet Our Guest Designers
Each of our renowned guest designers have donated their time and talent to create beautiful quilt patterns that meet the criteria for a Quilt of Valour. They have generously donated all profits in support of Quilts of Valour so when you purchase their pattern, you too will be supporting Quilts of Valour.

Paul Léger
Quilter, Designer, and Teacher
"As a veteran and a quilter, I was very humbled to have been approached to design a quilt pattern which will be used as a fundraiser for QOVC™. The goal to make 20,000 quilts by the end of 2020 is a goal which will be reached and hopefully surpassed, as the need for quilts is so great."
These quilts are 60" x 80". Paul wanted to provide quilters an option by offering a quilt design that includes some applique, and another that is fully pieced. Paul used raw edge applique technique for the 1/2 maple leaf, although any applique could be applied. The 'four maple leaf' blocks are pieced, even the stems.
"I wanted maple leaves in my design, but not the typical maple leaf block. I wanted to showcase the maple leaf on a quilt that is given to a veteran because, in my opinion, it is a great symbol of Canada."
When asked if a scrappy color palette would work, Paul said yes, it would. He loves, however, the simplicity with only using the two fabrics.
Inspiration for both quilts came from an earlier design of his entitled Canada Proud. Paul lives in Ottawa, ON. He has generously offered to donate a portion of the workshop fees from Strong and Free and True North to QOVC™.